MBBA Spring Debut
All Classes - Yearling, Futurity, and 3/4 year old Classic. Classic events are Bring Your Own Rider.
Fees: Yearlings $350, Futurity $450, and Classic $600.
$2500 yearling claimer $350
$3000 2 year-old claimer $450 fees
Produced by Randy Shippy

All Classes Event
All Classes - Yearling, Futurity, and 3/4 year old Classic. Classic events are Bring Your Own Rider.
Fees: Yearlings $350, Futurity $450, and Classic $600.
$2500 yearling claimer $350
$3000 2 year-old claimer $450 fees
Produced by Randy Shippy

MBBA Dummy Event
MBBA Fees: Yearling $350, Futurity $450
$2500 yearling claimer $350
$3000 2 year-old claimer $450 fees
3/4 year-old Open DUMMY Classic $550
Produced by Randy Shippy

MBBA Dummy Event
MBBA Fees: Yearling $350, Futurity $450
$2500 yearling claimer $350
$3000 2 year-old claimer $450 fees
3/4 year-old Open DUMMY Classic $550
Producer: Randy Shippy

MBBA Dummy Event
MBBA Fees: Yearling $350, Futurity $450
$2500 yearling claimer $350
$3000 2 year-old claimer $450 fees
3/4 year-old Open DUMMY Classic $550
Producer: Randy Shippy

MBBA Finals
All Classes - Yearling, Futurity, Derby, and Classic. 3/4 year-old Classic events are Bring Your Own Rider.
Fees: Yearlings $450, Futurity $550, and Classic $700
$2500 yearling claimer $350
$3000 2 year-old claimer $450 fees
Produced by Randy Shippy

CANCELLED /MBBA Coming Two-Year-Old Futurity (2025 Season)
Fees: Futurity $450
Produced by Randy Shippy
Coming two-year olds (2023 models) only. Points will count towards 2025 competition season.
Will consider a $3000 2 year-old claimer if there is interest ($450 fees).

MBBA Finals
All Classes - Yearling, Futurity, Derby, and Classic. 3/4 year-old Classic events are Bring Your Own Rider.
Fees: Yearlings $450, Futurity $550, and Classic $700
$2500 yearling claimer $350
$3000 2 year-old claimer $450 fees
Produced by Randy Shippy

MBBA Dummy Event
MBBA Fees: Yearling $350, Futurity $450
$2500 yearling claimer $350
$3000 2 year-old claimer $450 fees
3/4 year-old Open DUMMY Classic $550
Producer: Randy Shippy

MBBA Dummy Event
MBBA Fees: Yearling $350, Futurity $450
$2500 yearling claimer $350
$3000 2 year-old claimer $450 fees
3/4 year-old Open DUMMY Classic $550
Producer: Randy Shippy

MBBA Dummy Event
MBBA Fees: Yearling $350, Futurity $450
$2500 yearling claimer $350
$3000 2 year-old claimer $450 fees
3/4 year-old Open DUMMY Classic $550
Produced by Randy Shippy

MBBA Event
All Classes - Yearling, Futurity, and 3/4 year old Classic. Classic events are Bring Your Own Rider.
Fees: Yearlings $350, Futurity $450, and Classic $600.
$2500 yearling claimer $350
$3000 2 year-old claimer $450 fees
Produced by Randy Shippy

Futurity & Classic Event
Coming two year old open MBBA Futurity, coming two-year old $3000 MBBA Claimer
FEES: $450 entry fee for both classes
3/4 year-old MBBA Classic. Classic is Bring Your Own Rider (rider must be entered with bull)
FEES: $600

MBBA Finals
All Classes - Yearling, Futurity, Derby, and Classic. Derby and Classic events are Bring Your Own Rider.
Fees: Yearlings $450, Futurity $550, Derby $700, and Classic $700.
Produced by Randy Shippy

MBBA Dummy Event
Fees: Yearling $350
Futurity $450
2 yr old Open $3000 claimer event $300 fees
3 yr old Open DUMMY DERBY $450 fees
Produced by Randy Shippy

MBBA Event
All Classes - Yearling, Futurity, Derby, and Classic. Derby and Classic events are Bring Your Own Rider.
Fees: Yearlings $350, Futurity $450, Derby $600, and Classic $600.
Produced by Randy Shippy

MBBA Spring Debut
All Classes - Yearling, Futurity, Derby, and Classic. Derby and Classic events are Bring Your Own Rider.
Fees: Yearlings $350, Futurity $450, Derby $600, and Classic $600.
Produced by Randy Shippy

POSTPONED - Ranch Battle
POSTPONED due to weather
Ranch Battle
4 - 2022 calves per team!! Throw out bottom score, best team wins team pot, and there will be pot for top individual calves. All 4 calves must come from same owner!!
This event is for everyone to be able to buck their calves for the 1st time and everyone will be on an even playing field in January. You may enter more than one team per ranch.
Fees - $1000

CANCELLED - Bull Team Competition
Event is Cancelled
Bring Your Own Rider, 2 Bull Team Event - accepting 20 teams
Rider Friendly Rules
$1500 fees

MBBA Event
All Classes - Yearling, Futurity, Derby, and Classic. Derby and Classic events are Bring Your Own Rider.
Fees: Yearlings $350, Futurity $450, Derby $600, and Classic $600.
Produced by Randy Shippy

MBBA 2023 Kickoff (Futurity Only)
Fees: Futurity $450
Produced by Randy Shippy
2021 model calves only. Also 100% payback 4D side pot and 2 bull team!!!
We are also thinking of doing a $3500 claiming class if we can get the numbers.

All Classes - Yearling, Futurity, Derby, and Classic.
Finals Fees raised by $100: Yearlings $450, Futurity $550, Derby $700, and Classic $700.
Derby and Classic events are Bring Your Own Rider.

Yearling & Futurity
Fees: Yearlings $350, Futurity $450
Derby and Classic events are Bring Your Own Rider.

All Classes - Yearling, Futurity, Derby, and Classic.
Fees: Yearlings $350, Futurity $450, Derby $600, and Classic $600.
Derby and Classic events are Bring Your Own Rider.

All Classes - Yearling, Futurity, Derby, and Classic.
Fees: Yearlings $350, Futurity $450, Derby $600, and Classic $600.
Derby and Classic events are Bring Your Own Rider.

All Classes - Yearling, Futurity, Derby, and Classic.
Fees: Yearlings $350, Futurity $450, Derby $600, and Classic $600.
Derby and Classic events are Bring Your Own Rider.

Coming 2-year olds and 3-years olds event only.
Don’t forget to renew your MBBA membership ($200).
Fees: Futurity, $450, Derby $600.
Derby events are Bring Your Own Rider.